As entrepreneurs (especially, start-up entrepreneurs) we wear a lot of hats. Marketer, sales person, accounts person, product producer, counsellor, boss, father, mother, taxi and the like.

So, there are a lot of things in a business vying for our attention. They can be time-consuming, energy depleting and soul sapping.

To be effective in our business it would be wise to get our priorities right and get rid of, or delegate those tasks that keep us from doing what we do besttake our tried and tested entrepreneur advice below to heart, it will impact your productivity greatly.

11 tactics for becoming more productive

1. Exercise

Exercise is essential for us to keep our energy up. The better your body runs, the more agile your mind is.  Exercise can help us focus for longer.

2. Fuel

Ensure that the fuel you put in your body serves you. Eat right for more energy and productivity. Remember, a pie and a Coca Cola is not food.

3. Get away from your desk for 10 minutes on every hour

If you want to keep your energy up it is a good idea to get away from your desk at regular intervals. And, whilst you are up, it is probably a good idea to spend 10 minutes exercising. Jumping on a rebounder (trampoline) for 10 minutes is an ideal way to get energised. You can do a couple of star jumps and push-ups or jog on the spot. It doesn’t matter, just get moving. It Going outside your office and standing in the sun for a while also does wonders for your energy levels. And, if you’re more sedate, meditate.

4. Power nap

Research has indicated that eight hours is the optimal amount of time to sleep. Now most of us don’t have that luxury – we probably sleep 5 – 6 hours a night. So, to make up for it, power nap for 20 – 30 minutes if possible. It will do wonders for you both mentally, physically.

5. Protect yourself from email

Try not to check your emails first thing in the morning. Your brain runs out of ‘fuel’ quickly when reading email. This leaves it with little capacity to do the thinking work early on. Rather check emails in the afternoon so that you can protect your peak energy hours and do something really worthwhile.

Switch off email alerts on your laptop and other smart devices because every time you hear that ‘ding’ of a new email, you will be tempted to go and look. And, once you start answering emails, the task you’re currently doing takes a back seat.

6. Multitasking

Multitasking is a myth. You may think you’re being effective, but your attention is split too many ways, which makes you ineffective. Rather work in chunks of time on one task at a time. You’ll get a lot more done.

7. Social media

Limit your time on social mediathe siren’s call of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter takes so much time and focus away from working on your business, no matter how big or small, social media is a huge time stealer.  Ask yourself, “Does Facebook pay my bills?”

8. Outsource

Outsource work that you are not good at doing so that you can focus on what you’re really good at. Figure out what your hourly rate is and ask yourself “is this worth my time, or can I outsource it?”

9. Proper planning prevents poor performance

Productive people plan properly. So, plan your work and work your plan.

10. Routine

Follow strict daily routines. Peak performance and productivity is not about luck; it is about creating success habits. So, plan when you’ll get up, when you eat, when you work, when you exercise and when you have reflection time.

11. Reflect

Set aside time at the end of the day for reflection. Quieten your mind and reflect on what happened in your day, what went well and areas where you could improve. This reflection will help you make the incremental changes that will have a positive affect on you and your enterprise.