Business Name: KatELog

Concept: Conceptualising cutting-edge event experiences are a major function of what this full service events management agency is all about.

Year founded:  2016

Founder: Katlego Tshetlo

How the business idea came about: In working at my corporate job I consistently increasingly consulted with clients who desired nothing less than the best from an events management agency – cutting-edge events experiences and realized there was a gap in the market.

Business Journey

From corporate life to cutting-edge events

It was during July 2015, while still working in the corporate world that KatELog founder, Katlego Tshetlo activated an untested, yet, what would turn out to be a major function of his life: the journey towards entrepreneurship. He started to consult with clients who desired nothing less than the best from an events management agency – cutting-edge events experiences. But, it didn’t stop there – in February 2016, Katlego became a full-time entrepreneur when he established KatELog, a full service events management agency whose mission is to “create a ‘KatELog’ (pronounced ‘catalogue’) of cutting-edge event experiences underpinned by innovation, creativity and relevance.”

Reveals Katlego: ‘It was during September 2016, a few months into my new venture, that I was introduced to Seed Academy through Orange Corners, an incubation and acceleration platform for entrepreneurs.’

Seed Academy’s cutting-edge programmes

‘Since then,’ he continues, ‘Seed Academy has had a tremendous impact on my business. Their workshops are fantastic and their programmes are completely in line with my own mission, simply put, cutting-edge! I learnt how to do a full customer breakdown analysis, which really helped me to understand my customers. Seed Academy showed me how to position my business in the market and also how to define the point whereby I was fully-equipped to start seeking funding; in other words, they helped me to tick all the right boxes to become “funding ready”.

Seed Academy should be highly recommended, with their own cutting-edge programmes, they are a major function of what has helped me develop a business that has enabled me to move forward.’

Katlego concludes, ‘Seed made it possible for me to create an effective business model, generate higher revenues and establish my brand. I have since acquired a much larger client base and grown my business by 25%, and as another function of how things turned out, Orange Corners opted for cutting-edge events experiences of their own and have become one of our clients!’

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