Essential Guide to Funding

Seed Academy has developed The Essential Guide to Funding in South Africa. The guide was developed in response to a survey of almost 1000 South African startup entrepreneurs earlier this year.

Explains Donna Rachelson, chief catalyst at Seed Academy, “It is clear from Seed Academy’s first startup survey, and after training hundreds of entrepreneurs, that raising funds is the most common concern. The survey showed that 70% of respondents say they require funding to grow their businesses. 83% of start ups are self funded and only 3% fund their businesses from the vehicles formally established to support them. There clearly was a serious gap – tremendous demand for funding, substantial funding available but the entrepreneurs had a knowledge gap. This practical guide aims to show entrepreneurs just how much support is actually available and how to go about applying for it.”

The Essential Guide to Funding in South Africa has been written as a resource for early stage micro, small and medium size businesses to secure funding for their businesses. As an e-book, it will become more comprehensive over time as funders and users add to the content.

There are funding options for all types of entrepreneurs including women, those involved in green projects, mining, manufacturing, technology even businesses in distress are catered for.